External offers

Offer integration via tracking link and postback: dating, gambling, betting, webshops, services.

Creating external offer

External offer is a classic method of working with offers whose websites are located on the advertiser's side. The advertiser itself provides you with a tracking link and sends postback requests when a visitor takes some action. On the basis of external offers, dating, gambling, webcams, bets, online stores, payment on the site, and services are usually implemented.

Tracking links

The advertiser has provided you with one or more tracking links for your traffic. They need to be added to the offer. For this, redirect sites are used.

Simple postbacks

Postbacks are configured on the side of the advertiser - in a personal account or through a personal manager. Postback samples you can get on the redirect site settings page.

Tricky postbacks

Skip to this section only if you've reviewed previous. It discusses complex use cases for postbacks. In the next section, you can see the full documentation for the APIs that serve postbacks.

Thanks page

External offers do not have a built-in "Thank you" page, its implementation depends entirely on the advertiser. We can suggest three ways to solve this problem.

Working with applications

You can use the AlterCPA external offer API for tracking within your applications. There are no ready-made instructions, we can only offer our vision of the process. The specific implementation is up to your developers.

External API manual

External offer APIs are used in postbacks for external integration and application connection. Using them, you can create a lead by click, change its status, find out the data of the offer and flow, fetch the click ID in the application.